Why Your Intuition is Slowing Down Your Fashion Brand’s Success

Why Your Intuition Is Slowing Down Your Fashion Brand’s Success

Do you believe that intuition is ALL you need to grow your fashion brand and that if you can find the "right" flow, your business will take off?

That if you do what feels good and right everything will just work out for the best because the universe has got your back?

That you’ll have confidence in your fashion business because the new direction will just MAKE itself clear and you'll know what you need to do and when you need to do it to reach your sales goals, profits, and growth?

Can I ask you, are you happy with the results you are currently getting?


When I meet Designer CEOs, one of my favorite questions to ask is...

What's your strategy for your fashion brand's growth?

And one of the most common responses I hear is usually along the lines of, "Well I just go with the flow and listen to my intuition. I let my heart guide me and do what feels right for my business."

To which I ask...

Are you happy with the results you are currently getting?

And that response usually elicits something along the lines of blank stares or uncomfortable sideways glances before inevitably sharing the PROBLEMS or CHALLENGES that they THINK are holding them back..." well see the thing is..."

They don’t realize that they are missing other NECESSARY elements that are the KEY to their business’s growth and success.


I used to think that way too - that I could lead my business with my intuition & I would just KNOW what I need to do next.

But then the new year (month, week - take your pick.), arrived and I'd have no better idea what to do next. And it sucked. I felt unfocused, spinning from ideas & tasks. I was confused about where to focus my actions & what I needed to do to grow my business.

It was only after I finally remembered back to my corporate retail buying days, managing $100 million dollar fashion brands - that THAT wasn't how it worked. I would have been fired if I ONLY listened to my intuition, laughed out of every meeting with my VPs if I told them I’m managing my business by “listening to my heart”. We ALWAYS had a strategy for building and growing the brands. So why did I think that it should be different for my OWN business?

So I started creating strategies the same way I did when I managed those $100 million dollar brands. And (un)surprisingly I started seeing those results that I had been circling around. I used my intuition as part of the strategy - what felt good and right for me, but didn't rely on it as the entire plan.

See the thing is, we hear a lot about “following your heart”, “listening to your gut”, “trusting the universe to guide you” and I totally agree --- to a point.

You absolutely should be following your intuition when it comes to big, broad ideas and direction regarding your fashion brand because it’s what feels true and right to you.

In fact, trusting your intuition can be one of your business’s greatest assets - simply because it is unique to YOU.

No one else’s mind works the same as yours and can gather and process the many facts in YOUR brain, forming them into patterns, and comparing to past experiences like YOUR intuition can.

The feelings you get, your tingly spidey-sense is based on what IS right for you and you absolutely should listen and trust those feelings. BUT trusting your intuition doesn’t guarantee results - the sales, profits, and growth that you want for your fashion brand.

So what ARE those other critical elements that you need to get real results for your fashion brand?


The equation for your fashion brand’s success and growth.

Intuition + Strategy + Aligned Action = Business Growth for your Fashion Brand

Basically it boils down to this -

Intuition = Where you want to go

Strategy = What you need to do

Aligned action = How to get it done

You need intuition to help you develop a fashion brand that's authentic to you and guide your business with your own set of unique talents and abilities.

You need a strategy in place to achieve growth. Whatever you want to achieve for your business is absolutely possible for you - but you need a plan.

Your intuition may lead you to where you want to go but your strategy is what you need to do to actually make it happen.

And that brings me to the last piece of this equation - taking aligned action to actually get it done. The physical to-dos and steps that you need to take to achieve business growth.

Do you see how each of these parts of the equation are equally important and ALL are necessary? If you are missing any one of them, success and growth of your fashion brand is impossible.

So if you aren't seeing the business growth that you want for your brand - which piece of this equation are you missing?

Intuition + Strategy (but no aligned action) = You feel overwhelmed because you don't know what to actually "do" and you're overthinking everything, constantly cycling through decision and doubt.

Intuition + Aligned Action (but no strategy) = You feel frustrated that you aren't making headway and aren't seeing the growth you want. You feel like you are floating along and uncertain of what you should do next.

Strategy + Aligned Action = (but no intuition) = You feel "off". Your brand doesn't feel authentic to you, it doesn't light you up anymore, and that connection you once felt is gone.

So which element are you missing? What’s holding you and your fashion brand back from growth?

If this is resonating with you, the light bulbs are flickering on in your brain (and your intuition is telling you to keep reading), let’s chat - click HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call to learn more about how I can help you grow your fashion brand’s sales and profits and fast-track your growth.