
Vlog: Incorporating A Client/Customer Relationship Process Into Your Small Business

Vlog: Incorporating A Client/Customer Relationship Process Into Your Small Business

Looking for better ways to track customer leads, manage your interactions, and drive sales growth? It sounds like you might need a Customer Relationship Management system. 

Last week's vlog episode with Right Hand Business Coach, “Incorporating a Client/Customer Relationship Process Into Your Small Business” focused on how a CRM will offer your business methods for tracking customer leads, managing customer interactions, and driving sales growth.

Out With the Old & In With The New: 9 Retail Mindset Transformations

Struggling retailers share one thing in common – failure to evolve. Nobody ever said change was easy, but the first thing you must do is actively work on changing your mindset. Start by reconciling the old complacent mindsets you have - the assumptions that you “always knew” and still grasp to.

This week’s Insights provides perspective on market and customer advancements, distinguishes between old complacent mindsets and modern mindsets, and can be used as a guide for the change in mindset required for you to stay relevant and get results.

Vlog: Part 2 Tools & Systems

Vlog: Part 2 Tools & Systems

We got so much great feedback from our first "Tools & Systems" episode that we wanted to bring you more! Last week Lauren and I featured episode, "Part 2 of Tools and Systems". We discussed our favorite systems that we use in our business. You'll find out how we manage our email, blog content creation, and accounting.

Vlog: How To Get And Stay Organized

Vlog: How To Get And Stay Organized

During last week's vlog episode entitled, "How to Get and Stay Organized" Lauren, of Right Hand Business Coach, and I discussed how we got our businesses (and ourselves) organized and why you need to get it together for the sake of your business and your sanity. 

Talkin' Shop: Kelly Mutsch & Retail's Necessary Paradigm Shift

Talkin' Shop: Kelly Mutsch & Retail's Necessary Paradigm Shift

In this week’s Insights I'm "talkin' shop" with Kelly Mutsch, Chief Creative Officer at Ontal. Kelly has over 10 years of experience in retail and wholesale and offers a unique outlook on today’s retail landscape and the paradigm shift that traditional retailers have to make if they want to compete. 

3 Reasons Retail IS Fun Again

3 Reasons Retail IS Fun Again

“Retail isn’t like it used to be…it used to be fun…” is a statement I've heard countless times throughout my career.

And I couldn't disagree more - retail hasn’t been this exciting SINCE the "good ole days". 

This week’s Insights examines the changing retail landscape and why it should be inspiring you and reigniting your passion for retail’s future. 

Vlog: Get To Know Mod. Merchant

Vlog: Get To Know Mod. Merchant

You've read our great content and watched our Facebook LIVE vlog week after week but what do you really know about Mod. Merchant? 

This week's vlog "Get To Know Mod. Merchant" gave me the opportunity to share a little bit more about myself, why I started Mod. Merchant, and how I can help your business.

NYFW: A Call For Community

During NYFW designers strive to set themselves apart, but every so often there is a message found during fashion week that transcends a single designer or trend and communicates a unifying theme impacting the entire fashion community.  Did you notice NYFW’s message this season?

The Select

The Select

Business and retail resources and trends can be found everywhere and anywhere. With SO many options on the internet and social media, you never quite know where to look to find the BEST sources of good information and inspiration.

We've made it easy for you by cutting through all the clutter and featuring "The Select" few. Here is what I'm listening, following, reading, downloading, and watching to get the scoop on business and retail. 

Vlog: Building Your B2B Relationships

Vlog: Building Your B2B Relationships

Relationships are EVERYTHING in business but creating strong business to business relationships can be tough. It takes time and dedication to build a relationship but the benefits are immeasurable for your business. 

This week's vlog episode "Building Your B2B Relationships" features our discussion on why business relationships are so critical, what you can do to build your relationships, and how to maintain them over time.